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Kanto是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/Kanto.html 发布时间:2021-03-25
Kanto是什么意思 Kanto在线翻译 Kanto什么意思 Kanto的意思 Kanto的翻译 Kanto的解释 Kanto的发音 Kanto的同义词 Kanto的反义词 Kanto的例句 KantoKanto 双语例句

1. May 4, 1920. Zhou Enlai, who is in prison in Tianjin spent: Over the past year and current affairs Review; on the fire floor, the report of Zhao; and evening entertainment, including Chinese music I played (because of his non-musical instruments), comic opera, crosstalk, Kanto drums, storytelling, magic, fragments of Chinese drama, etc., Zhou Enlai presided over the evening and performed a cappella.

2. Cold night to cook in the Kanto warmth of her palm, 10 of the well-being of money, you can buy in the hot summer bars to her


3. Happiness, the happiness of 10, 000 money, you can buy a new phone to her, make you happy voices of zero distance, 1000 the well-being of money, you can accompany her shopping she likes to buy clothes, money 100 The well-being, you can buy in the cold night to cook in the Kanto warmth of her palm, 10 of the well-being of money, you can buy in the hot summer bars to her Xiaoshu antipyretic, do not have the money on the well-being, you can lead Her hand in the walk through the soft, white sand beach, just as long as the happiness!

4. QINGDAO SAINTLAND SEAFOOD CO., LTD deal in the Island stichopus, Dalian stichopus, Senate Kanto, Kansai ginseng, red ginseng, Japan, the Russian Red stichopus, Australia Great Pig Participation, Australia Adenophora, square stichopus Arctic Participation, the United States Senate meat deep, dense stichopus USA, a variety of wild California sea cucumber sea cucumber, sea cucumber canned sea cucumber capsule, oral liquid, such as sea cucumber sea cucumber pulp products, seafood, nutritional food.

5. In Japan, the refugia were distributed in Kyushu, Shikoku and Kanto District.

6. In Kanto, to three times the capital of all princes were named champions dominated by private high schools.

7. Kanto的反义词

7. Challenging the gyms, and finally the plateau, in Kanto, should be no problem.

8. In this area, the Qinling Mountains and Huaihe River are the natural boundary separates South and North, South, North ship horse, nammi Northern wheat, reflecting the different geographical environment on both sides of the line caused by differences in economic life, the Huai River, north of Qinling Mountains, the Taihang Mountains, and Songshan, V Ushiyama, in the western Loess Plateau and the eastern part of Haihe River, Yellow River, Huai River alluvial plain of the boundaries, in the ancient history known as the Kanto, Kansai04-10-21

9. AD 190 years, soldiers from the Kanto, and the world is chaos, hao jiang host the yong bing self, family, led by self-protection, while others are planned for the relocation, or choose the main door, or zhan shan wei wang Finally, some seeking refuge with Cao Cao.

10. Kanto在线翻译

10. In the core CBD Kanto shop on South Street, a short span of 700 meters, it is gathered in high-end projects.

11. In the CBD core area of the Kanto shop on South Street, a short span of 700 meters, it is gathered in high-end projects.

12. Kanto的翻译

12. Kanto Plain, Japan social, economic, cultural most developed areas in the capital Tokyo, the country\'s second largest city, Yokohama and Kawasaki and other big cities are located in the plains.

13. Kanto Plain is it?

14. Japan\'s largest Kanto Plain is plain, an area of 10, 000 square kilometers, and then followed by Ishikari Plain (4000 square kilometers), Niigata Plain (2070 square kilometers), thick tail Plain (1800 square kilometers), the Osaka Plain (1600 square kilometers).
日本最大的平原是关东平原,面积为 10000 平方公里,然后依次是石狩平原( 4000 平方公里)、新潟平原( 2070 平方公里)、浓尾平原( 1800 平方公里)、大阪平原( 1600 平方公里)。

15. Finally, the new period Kanto drama also reflects the obvious hero worship complex, comprehensive display of the Kanto heart wild raw power.

16. Sea cucumber is the natural nutrition treasure trove Sell meat Kanto Senate and Baoshi Senate and sea cucumber, and other high-voltage live Oil City, has long been the gold medals in the hearts of vegetables.

17. Kanto在线翻译

17. About 70 per cent of bookings from China were cancelled in September and the outlook is worse for October, says a representative for Fujita Kanto, the company that runs the resort.

18. Kanto的近义词

18. Through analysis of the structure of Kanto Geologic Basin, it is pointed out that reduction of the withdrawal volume of groundwater is more economic and effective than the other methods.

19. The sixth paper provides a brief description of the characteristics of earthquake disasters in Japanese urban areas and the current countermeasures of earthquake disasters in cities by taking the noted the 1923 Kanto earthquake and the 1978 Miyagi-Ken-Oki earthquake as examples.

20. The great Kanto quake of 1923 killed about 130, 000 people in Tokyo.

Kanto 单语例句

1. Over 2 million households in the Kanto area of Japan are tuning in every night to watch the action from the women\'s volleyball World Championships.

2. Last year, members of Kanto Gakuin University\'s rugby team were caught growing marijuana plants in their dorm.

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本文链接: http://kanto.immuno-online.com/view-727831.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)